Frequently asked questions

What is Tracebly and how does it work?

Tracebly is a comprehensive digital solution designed to ensure full transparency and accountability across the entire agricultural supply chain. It enables users to track products from the moment they are harvested, through processing, transportation, and storage, until they reach the final consumer. This platform is particularly valuable in combating the issue of product adulteration and ensuring product quality and safety.

Key Features and Workflow:

  1.  Harvest Tracking: The platform begins tracking a product right from the point of harvest. Each batch is assigned a unique identifier, allowing it to be monitored throughout the supply chain.
  2.  Inventory Management: Users can manage their stock by adding, removing, or adjusting inventory in real-time. The platform allows for detailed record-keeping, including adding test results, tracking payments, and planning procurement.
  3.  Mixing and Processing: If products are mixed with other lots, the platform records the exact composition and origins of each component, ensuring full transparency.
  4.  Laboratory Testing: The platform allows users to upload and link laboratory test results to specific batches. If a product fails to meet set standards, this is flagged with a warning icon, making it easy for users and consumers to identify potential issues.
  5.  Consumer Transparency: By scanning a QR code on the product packaging, consumers can access detailed information about the product, including where it was produced, who produced it, the date of production, and any laboratory results. This level of transparency helps build trust with consumers and differentiates your product from competitors.
  6.  Online Trading: The platform also functions as a marketplace, where users can buy and sell products with full traceability. Each transaction is recorded, providing a clear history of the product’s journey from farm to market.

In summary, the traceability platform offers a powerful tool for managing, tracking, and ensuring the integrity of agricultural products, providing benefits not just to producers, but also to consumers who can trust the quality and origins of what they are buying.

What pricing plans are available?

Right now, Tracebly is completely free to use—but only for a limited time! We’re offering early access at no cost. This is your chance to join the platform at no charge and help influence its future development. Sign up now before pricing plans are introduced and secure your spot as an early adopter!

How do I create an account?

What are the basic steps to set up my profile?

When you sign up for the first time you will see a module that walks you through basic configurations.

How do i change default currency?

How do I list a batch for sale on the online marketplace?

How do I purchase a batch through the platform?
How do I register sales that occur outside the platform?

How will I be informed of new buy/sell offers on the platform?

What information is displayed to consumers when they scan a QR code?

1. Seller and Seller Address.
2. Composition of lots:
     - Country of origin.
     - Year of collection.
     - Honey Category.
     - Share of batch from the entire lot.
     - Original Seller/Beekeeper (Source).
3. Laboratory analysis.

How can I use traceability as a marketing tool?
How can consumers access product traceability information?
How do I generate a QR code for my product?

QR codes are automatically generated by the platform for each inventory item, batch, or lot. These unique QR codes can be downloaded and added to product labels, giving consumers easy access to detailed information about the contents. For more details on what consumers can view, check “What information is displayed when consumers scan a QR code?”


To download the QR code, follow these steps:

How do I add a batch to my inventory?

How do I repack a product into new packaging?

How do I homogenise multiple batches into one?

How do I delete a lot from inventory, either entirely or partially?

How do I keep track of stock levels in real-time?

How do I record a payment made to one of my suppliers?
How do i create a sample for testing?

How do I add test results to samples?

How do I assign pass/fail results to a batch?

How do I add a laboratory test field in the system?

To add a laboratory test field in the system, please contact our team at, and we’ll be happy to assist you with adding more test fields.

Can I control who sees my traceability data?

Yes, you can control who sees your traceability data on the platform. The platform is designed with robust privacy and security features that allow you to manage access to your data effectively.


Access Control Options:


 • User Permissions: You can set different levels of access for various users within your organization. For example, you might allow certain employees to view and edit inventory data, while restricting others to view-only access. This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to those who need it.

 • Public vs. Private Data: You have the option to decide which data is shared publicly and which remains private. For example, when generating a QR code for consumers, you can choose to share specific details like production dates, origin, and test results, while keeping internal notes or supplier details private.

 • Data Sharing with Partners: If you are working with supply chain partners or customers who require access to your traceability data, you can grant them controlled access. This can be done by sharing specific data points or reports without exposing your entire dataset.

 • Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: The platform also allows you to manage data visibility in line with compliance requirements. 

In essence, you have full control over who sees your traceability data, allowing you to protect your business interests while maintaining transparency with consumers and partners.

How is my data secured on the platform?

Access controls and regular security audits secure your data on the platform. Access to your information is restricted to authorized personnel only, ensuring that your data remains confidential. Additionally, we conduct regular security assessments to identify and address potential vulnerabilities, keeping your data safe and secure.

How do I manage user access and permissions within my organization?
What should I do if I encounter a technical issue?

If you encounter a technical issue, follow these steps:

 1. Refresh the Page: Sometimes, simply refreshing the page can resolve minor glitches.

 2. Clear Browser Cache: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies, then try accessing the platform again.

 3. Try a Different Browser: If the issue persists, try using a different web browser to see if the problem continues.

 4. Contact Support: If none of the above steps work, contact customer support by sending an email to Provide a detailed description of the issue including screenshots or video recordings, including any error messages and the steps leading up to the problem. We will be happy to assist you.

How do I contact customer support?

You can contact customer support by sending an email to Provide a detailed description of the issue including screenshots or video recordings, including any error messages and the steps leading up to the problem. We will be happy to assist you.

What are the minimum system requirements to use the platform?

As long as you have a computer or compatible device with internet access and a modern web browser, you should be able to use the platform without any issues.

How do I add or remove users from my account?
How do I delete my account?